Postdoc opportunities at MPIfG, Cologne

The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) is inviting applications for postdocs in the following areas: Political Economy of Growth Models (project area led by Professor Lucio Baccaro, Director at the MPIfG) ƒSociology of Public Finances and Debt (research group led by Dr. Leon Wansleben) Applications are welcome as …

CFP: Money as a democratic medium

Money as a democratic medium. Harvard Law School, 14-15 December 2018. Professor Christine Desan is organizing a two-day conference later this year on the theme of ‘Money as a democratic medium’ and has issued a call for break-out panels. The deadline for abstracts is 1 November. For more information, please see the …

e-conference: ‘Payback?’ 6-7 September

Payback? Co-ordinating solutions to the debt crisis. Online, 6-7 September 2018. The Financing Prosperity Network and the Institute for Global Prosperity at University College London are facilitating a two-day e-conference on contemporary debt problems and possible responses to these. The problems created by different kinds of debt are multiple and extensive. …

PhD scholarship in ‘Economic Rationalities’

PhD scholarship in ‘Economic rationalities’. Copenhagen Business School, September 2018 onwards. The Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy (MPP) at Copenhagen Business School is inviting applications for a PhD scholarship within the fields of historical and/or economic sociology, with a special focus on the productive tensions between religious imaginaries and …

New book: ‘The Venture Capital State’

The Venture Capital State: The Silicon Valley Model in East Asia. Robyn Klingler-Vidra, Cornell University Press 2018. Silicon Valley has become shorthand for a globally acclaimed way to unleash the creative potential of venture capital, supporting innovation and creating jobs. In The Venture Capital State, Robyn Klingler-Vidra traces how and why …

FSN on Twitter

  We are pleased to announce that FSN is now on Twitter, @FinSocNet. Follow us to stay up-to-date and help us extend our reach! To share announcements via our network, just send your materials to us at the following address: info-at-financeandsocietynetwork-dot-org

New book: ‘Securing Finance, Mobilizing Risk’

Securing Finance, Mobilizing Risk: Money Cultures at the Bank of England. John Hogan Morris, Routledge/RIPE Studies in Global Political Economy 2018. Drawing on the history of modern finance, as well as the sociology of money and risk, this book examines how cultural understandings of finance have contributed to the increased …

New book: ‘Bitcoin and Beyond’

Bitcoin and Beyond: Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, and Global Governance. Edited by Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn, Routledge 2018. Since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009 several hundred different ‘cryptocurrencies’ have been developed and become accepted for a wide variety of transactions in leading online commercial marketplaces and the ‘sharing economy’, as well as by …

Launching FSN

We are very proud to launch the Finance and Society Network (FSN), an interdisciplinary research network dedicated to fostering new perspectives on the social implications of contemporary finance. Please have a browse through the website, which should give you a clear idea of who we are, what our objectives are, and …