PhD in Political Theory of Financial Debt at UvA

The Department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam is inviting applications for a funded PhD position on the theme of financial debt. The position is part of a broader research project, ‘A New Normative Framework for Financial Debt’: Society is drowning in financial debts. But it is unclear …

Postdoc opportunity at Erasmus Rotterdam

The Erasmus University Rotterdam is looking for a postdoctoral researcher in philosophy, in the area of philosophy of economics, to contribute to the research theme “Values in Finance”. Within this research theme, members of the core faculty of the Erasmus Initiative will engage in: (i) detailed methodological assessment of finance models …

Special issue: ‘Changing tech infrastructures of global finance’

Review of International Political Economy, vol. 26 no. 5 (2019). Edited by Nick Bernards and Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn. With contributions from Marie Langevin, Daivi Rodima-Taylor and William Grimes, Chris Clarke, J.P. Singh, Marcel Goguen and Tony Porter, and Lorenzo Genito. This special issue foregrounds ‘infrastructures’ as a heuristic for injecting nuance …

New book: ‘Taking the Floor’

Taking the Floor: Models, Morals, and Management in a Wall Street Trading Room. Daniel Beunza, Princeton University Press 2019. Debates about financial reform have led to the recognition that a healthy financial system doesn’t depend solely on how it is structured—organizational culture matters as well. Based on extensive research in a …

Forthcoming book: ‘Neoliberalism and Contemporary American Literature’

Neoliberalism and Contemporary American Literature. Liam Kennedy and Stephen Shapiro (eds), Dartmouth College Press 2019. Neoliberalism is the rare buzzword that has fully crossed over from academic theorizing into mainstream discussion. This is the first book to examine the ways that US literature has responded to the dominance of our neoliberal …

New book: ‘Market Logics of Contemporary Fiction’

The Market Logics of Contemporary Fiction. Paul Crosthwaite, Cambridge University Press 2019. In the twenty-first century, leading publishers are under intense pressure from their conglomerate owners and shareholders to generate growth and profits. This book shows how these pressures have transformed the contemporary novel. Paul Crosthwaite argues that recent British …

Two CFPs: Finance capital and the ghosts of empire

Finance capital and the ghosts of empire. Special issue/edited book CFPs. Following successful workshops at Goldsmiths and Sussex over the last two years, the ‘ghosts of empire’ team are seeking written contributions on the intersections of finance, colonialism, empire, and race for two linked projects. Special journal issue: “Finance capital and …

Artist publication: ‘A Modest Proposal’

A Modest Proposal Artist publication. Vermeir & Heiremans, Jubilee 2018. Vermeir & Heiremans have published a book to accompany their solo exhibition A Modest Proposal (in a Black Box), presented at Pump House Gallery, London (2 October to 16 December 2018), and A Modest Proposal (Symposium) at the Royal College of …

CFP: Cultures and spaces of debt and finance

Cultures and spaces of debt and finance. University of Arizona, 10-11 May 2019. The University of Arizona’s Cultural and Critical Theory program will be hosting a conference in Tucson this May and is inviting paper proposals from across the full range of disciplinary perspectives. Confirmed keynote speakers include: Anthony Alvarez, co-author of …

CFP: Critical finance studies conference, 2019

Critical finance studies conference 2019. Birmingham Business School, 7-9 August. The Critical Finance Studies conference goes to Birmingham this year, and the organisers are explicitly encouraging papers that develop “radically novel ways of thinking and comprehending finance”. Possible topics include (but are not limited to): Finance and the environment Responsible …