PhD in Political Theory of Financial Debt at UvA

The Department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam is inviting applications for a funded PhD position on the theme of financial debt. The position is part of a broader research project, ‘A New Normative Framework for Financial Debt’:

Society is drowning in financial debts. But it is unclear how to deal with debt morally when it cannot be repaid or causes harmful side effects. This project develops practical, normative guidelines that help policymakers, creditors, and debtors to regulate and manage debt. It does so by treating foreseeable externalities as a key to sensible and socially desirable debt regulation. The doctoral project ‘Due Diligence, Negative Externalities, and Corporate Debt’ will critically analyse existing practices of corporate lending, due diligence in underwriting and regulation in order to formulate empirically sensitive and dispositionally plausible normative guidelines. The guidelines should be able to guide regulators and practitioners in creating policies that govern the responsibilities of creditors and debtors.

Interested applicants should provide a CV, cover letter, writing sample, and research proposal by 17 November 2019.

Details and instructions available here: