New book: Accounting in Japan

Institutional Change and Performativity: The Impact of Globalization and Financialization on Accounting in Japan. Noriaki Okamoto, Palgrave Macmillan 2024. This book analyzes the recent development of accounting in Japan from an interdisciplinary perspective, focusing specifically on how institutional reality is constructed. Integrating theoretical perspectives from institutional economics and performativity studies, …

New book: Central bank capitalism

Central Bank Capitalism: Monetary Policy in Times of Crisis. Joscha Wullweber, Stanford University Press 2024. Today’s global financial system bears little resemblance to what it was at the end of the twentieth century. Shadow banking—financial activity taking place outside existing regulatory frameworks—has grown so important that it now serves as …

FSN 2024: Conference programme

Finance and society conference 2024. University of Sheffield, 12-13 September. The final programme for this year’s conference is now available here. The settlement between finance and society continues to come under strain from multiple directions: climate change, geopolitical rivalries, powerful new technologies, resurgent nationalism, cost of living crises. Whilst there …

Just published: F&S vol. 10 no. 2

Finance and Society, vol. 10 no. 2 (2024).   The editors of Finance and Society are pleased to announce the publication of volume 10, number 2. The issue includes pieces on venture capital, climate finance, and gender inequalities in the fintech sector. It also features a forum devoted to Brett Christophers’ Our …

F&S: Call for papers – When finance becomes tech

Special issue CFP: When finance becomes tech. Finance and Society, 2024. The editors of Finance and Society invite submissions for a special issue on how financial services are fusing with digital technology and what the broader implications of this are in social, political, and economic terms. The seamless incorporation of …

Special issue: Finance capital and the ghosts of empire

Journal of Cultural Economy, vol. 17 no. 4 (2024). Edited by Clea Bourne, Max Haiven, Johnna Montgomerie, and Paul Gilbert. With contributions from the editors, Ashley Cordes, Emmanuel Guerisoli and Santiago Mandirola, Kavita Dattani, and more. In this special issue, we take up the metaphor of the ghost to identify …

FSN 2024: Conference programme available

Finance and society conference 2024. University of Sheffield, 12-13 September. The programme for this year’s conference is now available here. There are limited places available for those not on the programme who may wish to attend. If you would like to join the conference, please register here. The settlement between …

New book: Whoosh goes the market

Whoosh Goes the Market: Algorithms, Automation, and Alienation. Daniel Souleles, University of Chicago 2024. Markets are messy, and no one knows this better than traders who work tirelessly to predict what they will do next. In Whoosh Goes the Market, Daniel Scott Souleles takes us into the day-to-day experiences of …

Forthcoming book: The bailout state

The Bailout State: Why Governments Rescue Banks, Not People. Martijn Konings, Polity Books 2024. How did we end up in a world where social programs are routinely cut in the name of market discipline and fiscal austerity, yet large banks get bailed out whenever they get into trouble. In The Bailout …

F&S: Call for papers – When finance becomes tech

Special issue CFP: When finance becomes tech. Finance and Society, 2024. The editors of Finance and Society invite submissions for a special issue on how financial services are fusing with digital technology and what the broader implications of this are in social, political, and economic terms. The seamless incorporation of …