Just published: F&S vol. 10 no. 3

Finance and Society, vol. 10 no. 3 (2024).   The editors of Finance and Society are pleased to announce the publication of volume 10, number 3. The issue includes articles on the asset condition, Apartheid financing, and Insurtech, plus a forum on postcapitalist finance and review articles on books by Melinda Cooper, …

Special issue: Ecologizing economic sociology

Economic Sociology, vol. 26 no. 1 (2024). Edited by Leon Wansleben. With contributions from Jens Beckert, Neil Fligstein, Ute Tellmann, Caleb Scoville, and Annika Rieger. Economic activities force earth systems to undergo dramatic changes, while some ecosystems collapse. In consequence, conditions for economic activities change, sometimes rapidly and sometimes in …

Special issue CFP: How currencies emerge

From Croesus to Nakamoto: How currencies emerge, between practice and theory. To be published in the Revue de la Régulation. A planned special issue of Revue de la Régulation aims to explore how currencies emerge. There is a vast panorama of work on money in the social sciences. They focus …

Conference CFP: Perspectives on rural economies and ecologies, May 2025

Perspectives on rural economies and ecologies: Past, present and future. Netherlands Institute at Athens (NIA), Greece, 21-23 May 2025. Joyce Goggin is organizing a conference on rural economies and ecologies in Athens next year. This interdisciplinary conference will address topics related to our understanding of the rural as not outside, …

Workshop CFP: Fictional worlds and financial realities, May 2025

Speculating the future: Fictional worlds and financial realities. Roskilde University, Denmark, 22-23 May 2025. Ali Rıza Taşkale is organizing a workshop on finance and fiction in Denmark next year. While social thinkers have begun to explore the role of speculative fiction in understanding financial abstractions and employing it as a …

New book: Libidinal economies of crisis times

Libidinal Economies of Crisis Times: The Psychic Life of Contemporary Capitalism. Edited by Ben Gook, Transcript Verlag 2024. What is a libidinal economy? How are we psychically hooked into the circuits of the capitalist economy? The contributors to this book question the relevance of a concept that began reappearing in …

New book: Rethinking financial behaviour

Rethinking Financial Behaviour: Rationality and Resistance in the Financialization of Everyday Life. Ariane Agunsoye, Bristol University Press 2024. Pension policy in the UK and US is designed on the assumption that people make informed financial decisions, consistently invest in pensions and manage diverse portfolios. Deviating from this is often deemed …

Public event: Will capitalism survive the 21st century?

Will capitalism survive the 21st century? Institute for Education, University College London, 5 December 2024, 18.00-19.30. The UCL Centre for Capitalism Studies is hosting its inaugural Annual Conversation with Gillian Tett, Ash Sarkar, and Thomas Piketty. The event is free and open to all but registration is required. Join us …

New book: The bailout state

The Bailout State: Why Governments Rescue Banks, Not People. Martijn Konings, Polity Books 2024. How did we end up in a world where social programs are routinely cut in the name of market discipline and fiscal austerity, yet large banks get bailed out whenever they get into trouble. In The Bailout …

Conference CFP: The socio-economics of asset stranding, July 2025

Mini-conference: The socio-economics of asset stranding. Montréal SASE 2025, 18-20 July 2025. Colleagues are organizing a mini-conference on asset stranding in Montréal next year as part of SASE 2025. Our mini-conference aims to develop the analysis of asset stranding by assembling presentations that investigate climate change as a problem of …