Forthcoming book: ‘The Time of Money’

The Time of Money. Lisa Adkins, Stanford University Press 2018. Speculation is often associated with financial practices, but The Time of Money makes the case that it not be restricted to the financial sphere. It argues that the expansion of finance has created a distinctive social world, one that demands …

New article: ‘Finance, social value, and the rhetoric of GDP’

Finance, social value, and the rhetoric of GDP. Jacob Assa. Finance and Society, EarlyView (2018). The global financial crisis is usually seen as a failure of neoclassical economic theory and neoliberal policy, but it also represented an epistemological failure. Forecasters who missed the crisis neglected to include the financial sector in …

Annual conference CFP: ‘Futures of finance and society’

Futures of finance and society, 2018. University of Edinburgh, 6-7 December. We are very pleased to announce that this year’s FSN conference will take place in December at the University of Edinburgh, on the theme ‘Futures of finance and society‘. The event will be organised by Nathan Coombs and Tod Van Gunten, …

Walking tour: Navigating finance and the imagination

Navigating finance and the imagination: A collaborative theoretical walking tour City of London/UCL, 14 April 2018. Max Haiven and Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou are organising an unusual event later this year, with support from University College London and the Reimagining Value Action Lab. The deadline for applications is 28 February, so you’d better …

New article: ‘The Appleization of finance’

The Appleization of finance: Charting incumbent finance’s embrace of FinTech. Reijer Hendrikse, David Bassens and Michiel van Meeteren. Finance and Society, EarlyView (2018). The rise of financial technology (FinTech) engenders novel business models through integrating financial services and information and communication technologies (ICT). Digital currencies and payments, data mining, and other FinTech …

New book: ‘Bitcoin and Beyond’

Bitcoin and Beyond: Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, and Global Governance. Edited by Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn, Routledge 2018. Since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009 several hundred different ‘cryptocurrencies’ have been developed and become accepted for a wide variety of transactions in leading online commercial marketplaces and the ‘sharing economy’, as well as by …

Workshop: Exploring the cashless society

Exploring the cashless society: Money, security, technology, value(s). Peace Research Institute Oslo, 12-13 February. We are supporting a closed workshop later this month in Oslo, organised by Nina Boy and funded by the Nordic Centre for Security Technologies and Societal Values (NordSTEVA), in association with the SOURCE Societal Security Network …

Upcoming conference: ‘Futures of finance and society’

We are pleased to announce that FSN is planning to co-sponsor a major conference later this year on the theme ‘Futures of finance and society’. The event is expected to take place in the UK during early December 2018. More details to follow soon.

Special issue: ‘Finance and security’

Finance and Society, vol. 3 no. 3 (2017). Edited by Nina Boy, John Morris, Mariana Santos. With research articles from Anthony Amicelle, Andreas Langenohl, and Joyce Goggin, and a forum discussion featuring Marieke de Goede, Paul Langley, Emily Gilbert, S.M. Amadae, and Nina Boy. When, seven years ago, Marieke de …

New book: ‘Capital and Time’

Capital and Time: For a New Critique of Neoliberal Reason. Martijn Konings, Stanford University Press 2018. Critics of capitalist finance tend to focus on its speculative character. Our financial markets, they lament, encourage irresponsible bets on the future that reflect no real underlying value. Why is it, then, that opportunities …