Special issue: ‘Financial times’

Finance and Society, vol. 4 no. 1 (2018). Edited by Christian Kloeckner and Stefanie Mueller. With contributions from Elena Esposito, Andreas Langenohl, Kate Padgett Walsh, Simone Knewitz, Johannes Voelz, Dennis Mischke, Peter Moertenboeck, Helge Mooshammer, and an interview with Gerald Nestler. This special issue explores how finance deploys time, structures …

Workshop: Women and Financial Advice

Women and Financial Advice Workshop. Winchester Guildhall, 3 November 2018. The Women’s Committee of the Economic History Society is holding their annual workshop at the Winchester Guildhall on Saturday 3 November 2018. The theme is ‘Women and Financial Advice’.   Women were involved in financial activities such as bookkeeping or …

FSN conference: Call for papers open

Futures of finance and society, 2018. University of Edinburgh, 6-7 December. The call for papers for this year’s FSN conference in Edinburgh remains open until 1 September 2018, and we are looking forward to receiving innovative paper and panel abstracts from across the full spectrum of ‘finance and society’ studies. …

CFP: From Fintech to Insurtech in China and the US

From Fintech to Insurtech in China and the US: Consumer-facing financial innovation and economic change. University of California Irvine, 28-29 September 2018. Professors Bill Maurer and Xian Xu are organizing a conference later this year as part of the 2018 California-Shanghai Innovation Dialogues. The deadline for abstracts is 6 July. More information is available …

PhD scholarship in ‘Economic Rationalities’

PhD scholarship in ‘Economic rationalities’. Copenhagen Business School, September 2018 onwards. The Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy (MPP) at Copenhagen Business School is inviting applications for a PhD scholarship within the fields of historical and/or economic sociology, with a special focus on the productive tensions between religious imaginaries and …

New book: ‘The Venture Capital State’

The Venture Capital State: The Silicon Valley Model in East Asia. Robyn Klingler-Vidra, Cornell University Press 2018. Silicon Valley has become shorthand for a globally acclaimed way to unleash the creative potential of venture capital, supporting innovation and creating jobs. In The Venture Capital State, Robyn Klingler-Vidra traces how and why …

FSN on Twitter

  We are pleased to announce that FSN is now on Twitter, @FinSocNet. Follow us to stay up-to-date and help us extend our reach! To share announcements via our network, just send your materials to us at the following address: info-at-financeandsocietynetwork-dot-org

Forthcoming book: ‘The Political Theory of Neoliberalism’

The Political Theory of Neoliberalism. Thomas Biebricher, Stanford University Press 2019. Neoliberalism has become a dirty word. In political discourse, it stigmatizes a political opponent as a market fundamentalist; in academia, the concept is also mainly wielded by its critics, while those who might be seen as actual neoliberals deny …

New book: ‘Securing Finance, Mobilizing Risk’

Securing Finance, Mobilizing Risk: Money Cultures at the Bank of England. John Hogan Morris, Routledge/RIPE Studies in Global Political Economy 2018. Drawing on the history of modern finance, as well as the sociology of money and risk, this book examines how cultural understandings of finance have contributed to the increased …

Annual conference: Keynote speakers announced

Futures of finance and society, 2018. University of Edinburgh, 6-7 December. We are delighted to announce three confirmed keynote addresses for this year’s FSN conference in Edinburgh. A fourth will be announced shortly.   Finance studies twenty years after Callon Donald MacKenzie, University of Edinburgh Financial citizenship: Experts, publics, and the …