A Modest Proposal
Artist publication. Vermeir & Heiremans, Jubilee 2018.
Vermeir & Heiremans have published a book to accompany their solo exhibition A Modest Proposal (in a Black Box), presented at Pump House Gallery, London (2 October to 16 December 2018), and A Modest Proposal (Symposium) at the Royal College of Art in London (27 October 2018). The publication features the script of Vermeir & Heiremans’ video installation A Modest Proposal (in a Black Box) and a series of essays by Annelore Hofman, Victoria Ivanova, Caroline Knowles, Luke Mason, Louis Moreno, Andrea Phillips, and Emily Rosamond. Themes addressed in the texts include the relationship between art and finance, the contemporary role of public museums and collections, and the influence of financialisation on urban processes and daily life.
More information available here.
Thurs 2 May 2019
6.30pm Reception/7.30pm Lecture
Lecture Theater 1.01
Bush House South Wing
King’s College London
The Strand
London WC2R 1ES