Virtual event: Derivatives and recycling, 29 July

Building a market for exchange-traded derivatives for recyclables.
Virtual event, 29 July 2020, 09.00-12.00 EST.

Can financial innovations and markets can be forces for helping to protect our environment? Jordan Hall of Rowan University, New Jersey, has organised a free online event to discuss the potential for exchange-traded derivatives, such as futures and options contracts to re-invigorate markets for recyclable materials in the US.

Speakers include:

  • Commissioner Rostin Behnam, US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
  • Stein Ole Larsen, co-founder and CEO of NOREXECO
  • Michael Irgang, president, Global Risk Management Corp.
  • Philip Roscoe, University of St. Andrew’s (Scotland) School of Management
  • Daniel Folkinshteyn, Rowan University Rohrer College of Business
  • Jordan Moore, Rowan University Rohrer College of Business
  • Jordan Howell, Rowan University School of Earth & Environment and Rohrer College of Business

Full event information, including schedule and sign-up link can be found at: