Just published: F&S vol. 6 no. 1

Finance and Society, vol. 6 no. 1 (2020).


The editors of Finance and Society are pleased to announce the publication of volume 6, number 1. The issue includes an article by Photis Lysandrou on financialisation and circuit theory, an essay by Daniel Tischer on Facebook’s Libra currency proposal, and a special forum on critical macro-finance. The forum is guest-edited by Sahil Jai Dutta, Ruben Kremers, Fabian Pape, and Johannes Petry, and features contributions from Bruno Bonizzi, Daniela Gabor, Annina Kaltenbrunner, Samuel Knafo, Steffen Murau, and Tobias Pforr. As always, the issue is fully open-access and freely available to all.