Critical finance studies online conference 2021.
Online conference, 6-8 September.
This year the annual Critical Finance Studies conference will again take place online, this time around the theme of ‘Financing a Resilient, Sustainable and Inclusive Global Recovery’. The event is co-organised by the University of Leeds, Tilburg University, and the University of York, and will include three online keynote sessions alongside traditional online paper presentations.
A year into the global pandemic, international organizations and national governments have declared their intentions to ‘build back better’ from the unprecedented health, socioeconomic, and humanitarian crisis triggered by Covid-19, which has caused a multi-scalar global financial meltdown. Not only are populations being offered a recovery, but vision of a more equitable and sustainable post-pandemic world. This is unlikely to be simply a case of building a new consensus on how to govern or rebuild the global economy. As such, in a world dominated by the imperatives of financial accumulation, we might well ask: building back better for whom?
John Morris, Karina Patricio Ferreira Lima, Tim Christiaens, Philip Garnett
The organisers are seeking paper submissions on the following themes:
- Critical finance in times of COVID-19
- Racial capitalism and finance
- The financialization of the university
- Gender and financial capitalism
- Financialization and climate change
- The legal structures of finance and financialization
- The asset economy
- Finance and the gig economy
- The role of both public and private finance in global development
- Finance and the rise of populism
- Financialization and the Global South
- Risk societies and cultures of volatility
- The politics of money in the global economy
- De-financialization and divestment strategies
- Financialization and subjectivity
Deadline for abstracts is 10 July 2021. Submission guidelines and a full blurb for the conference are available here.