PhD scholarship in ‘Economic rationalities’.
Copenhagen Business School, September 2018 onwards.
The Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy (MPP) at Copenhagen Business School is inviting applications for a PhD scholarship within the fields of historical and/or economic sociology, with a special focus on the productive tensions between religious imaginaries and economic rationalities. Applications close on 3 August 2018. More information available here.
We are interested in PhD projects that are situated within this wider turn and aim to study, amongst other things, the influence of theological concepts on economic theorizing in both Western and non-Western contexts (economic theology and conceptual history); conduct comparative analysis of economic and religious practices in specific socio-economic contexts (economic sociology); investigate modes of sacralisation/sanctification and de-sacralization/profanation in economic practices, both past and present (economic anthropology); and explore the contribution that historical analysis in general can make to our theoretical understanding of market logics (historical sociology and economic history). Examples of research areas that a scholarship might cover include: Genealogies of theologico-economic concepts and practices; Economic rationalities, neoliberal morality and affect; The religious politics of liberal and neoliberal economic thought; Non-Christian religious imaginaries and market societies outside ‘the West’; The sacrality of money and the origins of financial crises; Post-human eschatology and the biotech industry; Entrepreneurship, innovation and the ‘demonic’ (Karl Barth); Scarcity, excess and sacrifice in global economic orders.
Stefan Schwarzkopf, Copenhagen Business School