Political economy of finance summer school.
Brown University, 17-21 June 2024.
The Watson Institute for International & Public Affairs at Brown University is running a summer school next year on the political economy of finance, organized by Benjamin Braun (Max Planck) and Mark Blyth (Brown).
Who will finance the green transition? Are states that want to too scared of the bond market? Why are private equity firms seemingly everywhere? Why are Global Asset Managers the same folks that give ESG ratings? Finance is at the heart of the political economy of capitalism, but studying it can be difficult. Because of the technical knowledge required, barriers of entry are high. Young scholars of finance outside of economics often lack that depth of knowledge and a community of like-minded colleagues within their disciplines who can help them fill that gap. The good news: Some of the brightest social scientists in the field are eager to share their expertise, at the first ever “political economy of finance summer school”.
The summer school will connect promising young researchers with some of the leading scholars of finance. Our goal is to provide world-class training, while building an intellectual community in an excitingly interdisciplinary field. The summer school is open to PhD and early career scholars from economics, economic geography, history of economics, political science, and sociology. The cost of travel to and from Providence, as well as hotel accommodation during the summer school, will be covered for all participants.
Application materials include cover letter addressing your motivation to attend (no more than one page); CV; and writing sample. Applications are due February 1, 2024. More information available here: https://watson.brown.edu/rhodes/events/2024/political-economy-finance-summer-school