The editors of the Finance and Society journal have announced a new, expanded editorial team:
As Finance and Society enters a new growth and development phase during 2021-22, we are proud to announce that five new editors are joining the journal: Sandy Hager, Adam Hayes, Emily Rosamond, Leon Wansleben, and Carola Westermeier. These scholars represent the wide spread of cross-disciplinary expertise the journal is known for, but all promise to bring novel perspectives and new directions to the journal’s publishing agenda. Over the coming years, we expect to see some of our new editors’ interests crystallise into special issues and forums, as well as an expanded output of research articles, essays, and book reviews. Read about their reflections on the journal and editorial plans below.
Nina Boy, Nathan Coombs, Amin Samman
Sandy Hager
Associate editor, Finance and Society
In just a few years Finance and Society has emerged as a vital forum for cutting-edge research on finance and its discontents. As associate editor, I look forward to working with the editorial team to build on these early successes. I am especially interested in advancing theoretically-informed empirical analyses of the financial dimensions of political economy, including (but not limited to) research on issues of inequality, power, corporate concentration, and ecological crisis.
Adam Hayes
Associate editor, Finance and Society
As a former derivatives trader and private wealth manager, I have been immersed in the financial markets and matters of personal finance for nearly two decades. As a scholar, my research has leveraged the sociological toolkit to better understand markets and market actors from the perspective of risk and rationality. As a venue that crosses disciplinary boundaries and interrogates the financial sphere from the scale of individual decision-making to global value chains, I am eager to bring my practical experience and intellectual interests to the editorial team of Finance and Society. I look forward to building new bridges and firming up existing ones around the financial scholarship now taking place across the social sciences and humanities.
Emily Rosamond
Associate editor, Finance and Society
Finance and Society offers a rigorous and galvanising platform for debate beyond the disciplines, which I’ve found hugely inspiring as a transdisciplinary scholar with a background in art and culture studies. As associate editor, I look forward to continuing to build dialogue between scholars from disparate backgrounds. I am especially interested in welcoming papers that explore financialised subjectivities; race, gender, and financialisation; assetisation and online platforms; non-Western, postcolonial, or decolonial perspectives on finance; the climate crisis; and the cultural dimensions of financial volatility.
Leon Wansleben
Associate editor, Finance and Society
When I started my PhD, the social sciences were discovering finance, but research consisted of isolated strands. In the main, there were three: the social studies of finance researched traders, technologies, and models; comparative political economists focused on corporate financing; and there existed the Marxist debate on the structural power of (mobile) capital. Today, the field looks different. Social scientists are interested in the specific workings of finance rather than the laws of capital. But they recognise that finance assumes a strategic place in the broader fabric of society – it plays a decisive role in distributing wealth, organising welfare, structuring international relations, and in determining whether economies produce growth, fall into crisis, or stagnate. Going forward, I see the main task for Finance and Society as deepening this dialogue between detailed empirical work on financial practices and big picture research on inequality, welfare systems, and regimes of capitalist growth.
Carola Westermeier
Book reviews editor/Social media account manager, Finance and Society
As a scholar working at the intersections of economic sociology, international political economy, and security studies, Finance and Society has provided inspiration for my academic journey. As book reviews editor, I am keen to expand the review section and develop it into a forum for interdisciplinary exchange. In my role as social media account manager, I hope to bring further attention to the journal’s publications and collect feedback for the editorial team.