Finance and society conference 2024
University of Sheffield, 12-13 September
Organisers: Daniel Tischer, Adam Leaver, Amin Samman
Keynotes: Dick Bryan, Julie Froud, Matthias Thiemann
Sponsors: CRAFIC/Sheffield
Full programme available here
The settlement between finance and society continues to come under strain from multiple directions: climate change, geopolitical rivalries, powerful new technologies, resurgent nationalism, cost of living crises. Whilst there is widespread acknowledgment that governments and corporations will have to adjust their strategies in fundamental ways to meet these challenges, willingness to depart from ‘business as usual’ is in short supply. What will be the likely consequences of this dynamic stasis? How will the so-called polycrisis of the present impact the shape of financial society and its future course? Unpacking these points of connection and tension (and in particular, the confusing ways they mix old with new, innovation with reaction) demands new conceptual, methodological, and empirical approaches. It requires a different temporal frame capable of capturing the variable speeds of our economy, politics, and culture. A sensitivity to spatial scale is also needed to capture new modes of governance and control made possible by ongoing advances in computation.
The conference is organised by Adam Leaver, Daniel Tischer, and Amin Samman in association with the Finance and Society Network (FSN), with financial support from the Centre for Research into Accounting and Finance in Context (CRAFIC) at the University of Sheffield.
- Protocols for postcapitalist finance
Dick Bryan, University of Sydney/Economic Space Agency - Finance, infrastructure, and the public good
Julie Froud, University of Manchester - Taming the cycles of finance?
Matthias Thiemann, Sciences Po
- Corporate scandals
- Vincenzo Bavoso, Adam Leaver, Robert Smith, Saila Stausholm
- Data enclaves
- Kean Birch, Dave Elder-Vass, Linsey McGoey, Callum Ward, Carola Westermeier
- Gender and finance
- Digital financial infrastructures
- Central banking
- Financial subjectivities
- Climate finance I and II
- Fintech futures
- Public finance
- Temporalities of finance
- Evolution of banking and finance
- Transactional rationalities
- Finance and education
- Globalising finance
- Historicising financial governance
- Financial power
- Finance and development
- Venture capital
- European financial governance
- Assets and Assetisation
- Finance, housing, and infrastructure
- Politics of fintech
- Risks and rederisking
Adam Leaver is Professor of Accounting and Society at the University of Sheffield and Director of its Centre for Research on Accounting and Finance in Context (CRAFIC).
Daniel Tischer is Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance at the University of Sheffield.
Amin Samman is Reader in International Political Economy in the Department of International Politics at City St Georges, University of London.