Tim Sinclair’s social foundations of global finance

Beyond paradigms: Timothy J. Sinclair’s social foundations of global finance. University of Warwick, 27 June. Colleagues at the University of Warwick are holding an event commemorating the life and scholarship of Timothy J. Sinclair. The event is free to attend and everyone is welcome to join. For logistical purposes, the …

Fixed Term Lectureship at City, University of London

The Department of International Politics at City, University of London, is inviting applications for a Fixed Term Lectureship in the field of International Politics or International Political Economy. The Department is home to the City Political Economy Research Centre, which you can read about on the CITYPERC website. Fixed Term …

CITYPERC seminar: Financing climate futures

Financing climate futures: Six positions on climate finance. CITYPERC seminar, 25 May 2023, 17.00–18.30 GMT. The City Political Economy Research Centre (CITYPERC) is hosting a seminar on politics of climate finance. Presenter: Gareth Bryant (University of Sydney) Discussant: Robert Kirsch (Arizona State University) International climate politics is dominated by ‘gap …

Online event: Sociological perspectives on the bank failures of 2023

Sociological perspectives on the bank failures of 2023. Warren Center online event, 19 April 2023, 11.00–12.00 ET. The Charles Warren Center at Harvard and Just Money are hosting an online panel on the bank failures of 2023 from a sociological perspective: Following the failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature …

New commentary: Systemic stablecoin

Systemic stablecoin and the brave new world of digital money. Jamie Morgan. Cambridge Journal of Economics, OnlineFirst (2023). New forms of money invite informed speculation regarding future possibilities. In this extended commentary, we explore five issue-areas that the growth of cryptocurrency and, more particularly, stablecoin have evoked. This new form …

New book: Capital and ressentiment

Capital and Ressentiment: A Short Theory of the Present. Joseph Vogl, Polity 2022. The proliferation of social media has provided ideal conditions in which feelings of anger and frustration can be expressed and shared, forming a deep pool of ressentiment that is being drawn upon and exploited by populist and …

CFS 2023: Deadline extended

Critical finance studies conference 2023. Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Crete, 21-23 June. The deadline for this year’s Critical Finance Studies conference has been extended by two weeks. The new deadline for submissions is 15 February 2023. Confirmed keynote addresses: Teresa Heffernan on ‘AI as the New Oil’ Paul Langley on …

CFP: BISA-IPEG annual workshop, 2023

BISA-IPEG annual workshop, 2023. King’s College London, 11-12 May. The BISA-IPEG annual workshop this year will take place in London on theme of ‘Building Solidarity in Times of Permacrisis’. Capitalism, imperialism, and patriarchy have always produced and have fed upon crises. Yet the multi- layered and mutually amplifying crises we …

New book: The rise of central banks

The Rise of Central Banks: State Power in Financial Capitalism. Leon Wansleben, Harvard University Press 2023. While central banks have gained remarkable influence over the past fifty years, promising more stability, global finance has gone from crisis to crisis. How do we explain this development? Drawing on original sources ignored …

New book: History of stock market advice

Invested: How Three Centuries of Stock Market Advice Reshaped Our Money, Markets, and Minds. Edited by Paul Crosthwaite, Peter Knight, Nicky Marsh, Helen Paul, and James Taylor, University of Chicago Press 2022. Who hasn’t wished for a surefire formula for riches and a ticket to the good life? For three …