CFP: Political economy of green-digital transition, June 2024

Political economy of green-digital transition: International workshop and summer school. LUT University, 4-6/10-14 June 2024. The research group on Economy, Technology, and Society at LUT University in Finland is running a workshop and summer school the political economy of green-digital transition. In an era defined by pressing environmental concerns and …

Just published: F&S vol. 10 no. 1

Finance and Society, vol. 10 no. 1 (2024).   The editors of Finance and Society are pleased to announce the publication of volume 10, number 1. The issue includes pieces on currency internationalization, infrastructural ambivalence, and sustainable finance. It also features a forum devoted to Leon Wansleben’s The Rise of Central Banks …

F&S 2024: Final call for papers

Finance and society conference 2024. University of Sheffield, 12-13 September. The call for papers for this year’s conference will close on 1 May 2024. The settlement between finance and society continues to come under strain from multiple directions: climate change, geopolitical rivalries, powerful new technologies, resurgent nationalism, cost of living …

Symposium: Moral economies of money

Symposium on Jakob Feinig’s Moral Economies of Money. Just Money, Winter 2024. With contributions from Stephanie Mudge, Josh Pacewicz, Adam Slez, Pierre-Christian Fink, and David Freund. Monetary orthodoxy has long drawn strength from its simplicity. Pedagogically, it is easy to explain the three functions of money and give a self-contained …

PERN conference: Digital platform economies

Digital platform economies: Value from data? PERN conference, 25-26 April 2024, The New School. The Platform Economies Research Network (PERN) will be holding a two-day conference at the New School in New York interrogating how digital platforms produce and structure value. You can find the full programme here and register …

Webinar series: Monetary innovations in financial history

Monetary innovations in financial history: Lessons for CBDC design. Online, Feb-June 2024. A new webinar series has been launched devoted to putting CBDCs in historical perspective. The announcement of the digital euro and the widespread discussions surrounding Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) have sparked an important debate about the future …

F&S 2024: Open for paper and panel proposals

Finance and society conference 2024. University of Sheffield, 12-13 September. The call for papers is open for this year’s finance and society conference in Sheffield. The application deadline is 1 May 2024. The settlement between finance and society continues to come under strain from multiple directions: climate change, geopolitical rivalries, …

New book: Climate finance

Climate Finance Taking a Position on Climate Futures. Gareth Bryant and Sophie Webber, Agenda Publishing 2024. Climate change is increasingly contested on financial terms. Different actors are advancing competing climate visions and interests by adopting financial positions. International institutions urge action by identifying financing gaps needed to meet climate targets. …

Newsletter: Money/Power

Money/Power: Theory, Money Markets, and Personal Finance. Samuel Chambers, Substack.       A newsletter exploring the mysteries of money, engaging with some of the crucial money problems that societies face today. By Samuel A. Chambers, Professor of Political Theory and Political Economy at Johns Hopkins University.  

Finance and fiction dossier

Finance and fiction dossier. b20, ongoing from 2023. “Finance and Fiction” is an ongoing dossier edited by Arne De Boever (Cal Arts) and Mikkel Krause Frantzen (University of Copenhagen). While some materials in the dossier were initially presented as part of a two-day event titled “Finance and Fiction” that De …