Job opportunity at Finance Watch

Finance Watch, the Brussels-based public interest advocacy association dedicated to making finance serve society, is looking for a Senior Research and Advocacy Officer. The Senior Research and Advocacy Officer will join the Research and Advocacy team of currently six members, comprising the Head, two Senior Officers, an Advocacy and Research …

Forthcoming: The Routledge Handbook of Critical Finance Studies

The Routledge Handbook of Critical Finance Studies. Edited by Christian Borch and Robert Wosnitzer, Routledge 2020. The sociologically inclined landscape of finance studies is characterized by different more or less well-established homogeneous camps, with more empirical, social studies of finance approaches on the one of the spectrum and more theoretical, …

New book: The Exclusionary Politics of Digital Financial Inclusion

The Exclusionary Politics of Digital Financial Inclusion: Mobile Money, Gendered Walls. Serena Natile, Routledge 2020. Focusing on Kenya’s path-breaking mobile money project M-Pesa, this book examines and critiques the narratives and institutions of digital financial inclusion as a development strategy for gender equality, arguing for a politics of redistribution to …

New essay: ‘Cutting the network?’

Cutting the network? Facebook’s Libra currency as a problem of organisation. Daniel Tischer. Finance and Society, EarlyView (2020). This essay explores the organisational character of Facebook’s Libra currency by undertaking a critical reading of documents published by the Libra Association. Drawing on the conceptual work of Marilyn Strathern and Michel Serres, …

New article: ‘Financialisation and the limits of circuit theory’

Financialisation and the limits of circuit theory. Photis Lysandrou. Finance and Society, EarlyView (2020). The theory of the monetary circuit aims to provide a highly stylised account of the workings of a modern monetary production economy. While there may have been a time when it succeeded in this aim, that time …

CFP: Critical macro-finance session at EAEPE 2020

Critical macro-finance and international financial hierarchies in the Basel III world. EAEPE annual conference in Bilbao, 2-4 September 2020. Steffen Murau and colleagues are organising a special session on critical macro-finance in Bilbao this year as part of EAEPE 2020. The introduction of the Basel III regulations has changed the …

CFP: Warwick Critical Finance conference 2020

Warwick Critical Finance conference. University of Warwick, 25-26 June 2020. The Warwick Critical Finance Group is holding a two-day conference later this year for early-career scholars, PhD students as well as post-docs studying finance from various critical perspectives. Organisers are inviting submissions in the following formats: (a) working papers; (b) …

MoneyLab #8: Programme available/registration open

MoneyLab #8: Minting a fair society. Kino Šiška Ljubljana, 24-25 March 2020.   These are dark times for the economy, as offshore finance wreaks havoc in the very fabric of cities and communities, and crypto-companies find their own tax havens. But the economy is not only in the hands of …

New book: ‘Money power and financial capital in emerging markets’

Money Power and Financial Capital in Emerging Markets: Facing the Liquidity Tsunami. Ilias Alami, Routledge 2019. The politics, drivers of emergence, and diversity of these myriad forms of state power are explored in light of the positionality of emerging markets within the network of space and power relations that characterises …

Just published: F&S vol. 5 no. 2

Finance and Society, vol. 5 no. 2 (2019).   The editors of Finance and Society are pleased to announce the publication of volume 5, number 2. The issue includes research articles by Julian Gruin on authoritarian fintech in China, Mirjam Büdenbender and Andrea Lagna on peripheral housing financialisation, Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn …