The entangled legacies of empire: Race, finance, and inequality
Online book launch, 20 June 2023, 17:00 GMT
Speakers: Clea Bourne, Paul Gilbert, Max Haiven, Johnna Montgomerie, and more
Sponsors: ReImagining Value Action Lab/Finance and Society/Goldsmiths PERC
More information available here
To celebrate the launch of Entangled Legacies of Empire (Manchester University Press, 2023), RiVAL: The ReImagining Value Action Lab, Finance and Society, and the Goldsmiths’ Political Economy Research Centre are pleased to present an online event with the book’s editors and many of the contributing authors.
The event will last 2 hours and take place on the Zoom platform.
- Welcome and an overview of the book
- Short presentation by a selection of chapter authors
- Short break
- Break-out rooms for thematic discussion
- Large group discussion
Register to attend here: