The Money and Finance Idea Lab at Columbia University is inviting applications for a full-time postdoctoral research scholar.
This Postdoctoral Research Scholar will be embedded in the idea lab on “Money and Finance,” which explores the relation of money and finance both in theoretical terms and in institutional configurations, including the design of financial instruments as well as the policy instruments employed by central banks, but also the design of financial intermediaries and their relation to central banks and financial market regulators. The deeply imbricated institutional relation of money and finance has important implications for political economy. Topics may include the future of central banking, the rise of digital money systems, the role of money and finance in climate change as accelerator or mitigator, the impact of large asset managers on financial systems, as well as the search for alternative forms for financing R&D, land preservation, and social protection.
It is a one-year position (one additional year may be possible) with an anticipated start date of 1 July 2024. The deadline is 1 December 2024. The job posting is available here.