Navigating finance and the imagination: A collaborative theoretical walking tour
City of London/UCL, 14 April 2018.
Max Haiven and Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou are organising an unusual event later this year, with support from University College London and the Reimagining Value Action Lab. The deadline for applications is 28 February, so you’d better be quick. More information on the format and application process is available in the call for papers, or from the event webpage.
On 14th April 2018 we invite an temporary interdisciplinary assembly of researchers, activists, artists and other interested parties to join us as we explore the imagined, imaginary and imaginative dynamics of financialization together through a collaboratively-constructed walking-tour of the City of London, to be followed by a semi-structured (indoor) conversation at University College London. We are seeking participants to propose 15-minute experimental presentations to take place at particular sites in or near the City of London, a historically and symbolically rich hub of the global financial apparatus. Presentations could focus on particular architectures or spaces, or simply use them as jumping-off points for broader reflections. Our orientation is towards discovering how the power of the imagination (as theorised by Cornelius Castoriadis) haunts and is haunted by financialized structures, spaces and legacies, including the ways these are intersected by class, race, empire, gender and other modes of oppression. We also seek to further cultivate the gifts for imagining rich post-capitalist, anti-colonial and queer futures that might come after financialization.
Max Haiven and Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou